FEB 10: Computer system down (morning)
February 8, 2012
February 8, 2012
February 1, 2012
Announcing the January winners of Checkout Champion, a monthly contest featuring Donatos prizes for checking out the most Grandview Library items:
Thanks to Donatos for the terrific prizes.
Who will be the next Checkout Champions? It could be you!
January 25, 2012
Use www.ghpl.org/amazon when you buy anything on Amazon.com, and help the Library—at no cost to you!
The Library receives a percentage of the sales from your purchases whenever you use the link.
Bookmark it!
It’s a free & easy way to earn extra money for the Library!
NOTE: Outside of the special web address, the Amazon page will not indicate that you are on a special page that helps the Library.
NOTE: This previously advertised link will still work: http://www.amazon.com/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=granheigpubll-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325
January 20, 2012
The dollhouse in Youth Services has a new look!
Thank you to Grandview resident & artist Mike Dexter (pictured), who painted & refurbished it in his workshop. It looks great!
Thank you to former staff & current volunteer Ruth Sloan (pictured), whose father made it for his library on the East Coast in 1974. When she offered to donate it to our Library more than 20 years ago, we said yes!
The house is popular with both boys & girls, and can be found in the toy area.
Enjoy the new & improved dollhouse!
Questions? Call Youth Services at 614-481-3778.
January 19, 2012
January 6, 2012
Download thousands of e-books from the Grandview Library’s newest
Visit our Digital Library for our other e-book service Digital Downloads.
Get help from our Reference staff with 1-on-1 eReader Help.
Download free mp3s (to keep!) from Sony’s huge catalog with Freegal.
January 5, 2012
The more items you check out in 2012, the better chance you have of becoming a Checkout Champion—and winning prizes from Donatos!
Every month this year, each patron’s check-outs* will be totaled, and the two (one adult and one kid age 17 & under) with the most check-outs will win.
One winner receives:
The other winner receives:
You can win more than once a year. Thanks to Donatos for the terrific prizes.
Good luck!
Learn about our Circulation Policies.
*Contest includes books, magazines, CDs, DVDs & audiobooks; it does not include eResources from our Digital Library.
January 3, 2012
It’s a Mardi Gras party at the Library after hours!
The third Book Bash—presented by the GHPL Foundation to benefit the Grandview Library Endowment Fund—takes place on Saturday, February 18, from 7-10 pm.
This year’s theme celebrates the spirit of New Orleans with King Cake, Mardi Gras masks, beads, raffle, music, food & drink, and more.
RSVP today and laissez les bons temps rouler (let the good times roll)!
This year’s Book Bash is sponsored by O’Malley Real Estate (1243 Grandview Avenue, 614-486-0400), Mohr Wealth Management, and a host of community businesses contributing raffle prizes. Thank you!
December 30, 2011
Use your Grandview Library card to search & reserve the books below.
Just enter the titles into our catalog from your computer, or call Circulation at 614-486-2951 to have a staff member place a hold for you.
Want more? Find new books, movies & music.
Love digital materials? Download books, movies & music.
The titles below that are not at the Grandview Library may be borrowed for you from our consortium libraries.
NEW FICTION: February 2012
NEW NONFICTION: February 2012
December 1, 2011
The Grandview Heights Public Library has been recognized as a five-star library and the best public library in America in its category!
This marks the fourth consecutive time the Grandview Library has received five stars from The Library Journal Index of Public Library Service, a national rating of public libraries.
The index identifies 262 “star” libraries (out of 7,513 public libraries) in its America’s Star Libraries 2011. It is based on 2009 data from the IMLS—circulation, visits, program attendance and Internet use, each per capita.
Thank you for making your Library great! We are proud to provide the services this community loves and supports. We are the place where the community connects!
In addition to the Grandview Library, four other Franklin County library systems received five-star ratings:
Learn about our Library Journal five-star ratings in 2009 (Round One and Two) & 2010, and our Hennen’s American Public Library Ratings Top 10 rankings in 2010 (#3), 2009 (#4), and 2008 (#9).
Questions? Call Administration at 614-486-2954.